Groove3 Serum Explained


Groove3 Serum Explained
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Xfer Records’ groundbreaking virtual synth plug-in Serum sets the bar incredibly high for wavetable synthesis. Studio / producer guru Kenny Gioia injects total Serum knowledge directly into your brain in this meticulous and complete series, making it the most comprehensive exploration into Serum available!

Kenny starts by introducing you to Serum and taking you through its Oscillators and Unison Settings. After exploring Wavetable Positions, the Phase, Pan, and Level Controls, Kenny digs into the Warp Menu Modes, the Sub-Harmonic and Noise Oscillators.

Next, Kenny discusses the Filter Module, Effects, Modulation Options, and Mid Matrix Window. That leads into the Envelopes, LFOs, Voicing, and Portamento Options. After detailing the Global Page Settings, Kenny teaches you about Chaos and other Miscellaneous Modulation Sources, the Wavetable Editor, and how to use Macros in Serum. Finally, Kenny puts it all together by taking some popular Preset Sounds and Deconstructing them and Rebuilding them from the ground up.

Whether you already own Serum and want to take a higher dose, or are a new user looking for your first hit of one of the most unique virtual instruments available, get “Serum Explained” today!


Part 1    Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6

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